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Rosemary ritual oil – Purification


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Rosemary ritual oil – Purification

Rosemary ritual oil is used in rituals to protect oneself or others from negativity, ward off curses or hexes and attract benevolence and love.
Note: base
Element: Fire
Planet: Sun
Stimulant of mental activities, important occasions, gives courage, strengthens the will, psychic projector.
Magical influences: Longevity. psychic awareness, memory, love, protection from negativity.
Entirely manufactured by us, ready to use.

Rosemary was once burned in Greek temples as an offering to the deities, and has a long magical tradition as an aphrodisiac. The wedding wreaths were woven with fresh rosemary, and the plant was used in countless rituals performed to promote love and protection.

The main use of rosemary ritual oil is to nip all negativity in the bud. This is a special oil for religious and spiritual offerings.

Indispensable for many esoteric spells and rituals. It is also commonly used for greasing candles and candles and as a complement in magical works.

A common way of use is to soak candles, which we light at the right time.

It is used in rituals to clean both people and rooms, as it drives away bad energies. Also used in exorcisms for its properties to fight evil spirits.

It is used in states of depression, as it increases people’s energy.

Enhances the effects of clairvoyance.

Rosemary oil is an excellent ally to enhance the capacity of attraction and seduction. Plus, it helps heal the wounds that a past love left us.

It can also be used for massages!

Additional information

Weight 150 g


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